Men's and Women's

Discipleship Together

We offer both Men's and Women's ministries here at First Mount Dora. Each ministry offers discipleship and the opportunity for service.

Women's Ministry

The Women’s ministry is a vibrant and dynamic ministry of First Mount Dora, the ministry is led by the senior pastor’s wife, Sheri Jamieson. Sheri has raised up a team of women’s leaders to lead retreats, Bible Studies and worship events.

The events encompass worship, bible study, fun and fellowship. It includes women of all ages—from 16 to 106! In any given year there are four Women’s events with testimonies, guest speakers, and always food and prizes! There have been as many as 12 different women’s bible studies in a year.

Men's Ministry

The Men’s ministry is where pastors, men’s leaders and men of the congregation gather for discipleship and connection. Each Wednesday & Sunday we have small group studies just for men.  Join us for regular connection and growth! 
Join us for Greater Vision Live In Concert!
Join us for an incredible evening with Greater Vision on February 15 at 6 PM Click Here for info & tickets
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